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First Signs - baby sign language

At around four to seven months of age, in the same way hearing babies begin to babble vocally, babies acquiring sign language begin to babble on their hands.

During the first few years of a child's life, development is happening rapidly. Children are learning new things about their surroundings, and themselves daily. It's a crucial time for children to develop language and communication.

Within weeks of birth. babies start discovering the patterns of language used around them. This is true whether that language Is spoken or signed. Children need to be immersed in a language-rich environment to develop strong language skills.

Parents will need to decide on a form of communication
that everyone in the family can learn to use and there is no right or wrong choice. Your decision will depend on your family situation and the needs of your deaf or hard of hearing child.

If you are deciding to pursue Auslan, try some of these common baby signs to get started. Using this together with another method of communication can also be effective.

Remember. your healthcare team can assist you with deciding about what type/s of communication could suit your family.