An invitation to join the Flying Colours Survey Collective
We ran a Flying Colours Survey earlier this year. The information we received from families with a deaf or hard of hearing child has been extremely helpful to us and made a tangible difference to our Flying Colours online resource. Are you interested in joining our Collective to help feedback what matters to you and your family, based on your lived experiences?

Joining our Flying Colours Survey Collective...what will this mean for you?
From time to time (no more than three times a year) we will send you a short online survey. Your perspective, input and suggestions will help us stay in touch with the things that are important to families with a deaf or hard of hearing child.
What will we ask?
The survey topics will have a focus on the needs of families with a deaf or hard of hearing child. We plan to cover subjects such as:
- Early Intervention
- Auslan and bilingualism
- School transitions and post-school pathways
- Resources to support families​
- Ways to connect with other families with a DHH child
Participation in our surveys is voluntary - you can opt out of any subjects you feel are not relevant to you or your family.
All information provided by you will be stored securely on the Deaf Children Australia database, it will be held in Australia.
We will only share broad results with our partner research organisations - such as the Royal Children's Hospital and/or the Brisbane Children's Hospital if you are OK with us doing so. No personal contact details will be shared.
Please click on the email below to let us know your would like to join the Collective and we will be in touch shortly with our first survey. And a big thank you for taking the time to help improve our resources!